Abhyang therapy involves massage of the body with Dosha specific warm herb Infused Oils it aids joint health nourishes tissues of the body and bring aggravated doshas Back into balance and improves the condition of dry Coarse Hair and Flaky skin
Aromatherapy is a wonderfully relaxing therapy deeply smoothing massage techniques to benefit physical mental and emotional health
Balinese massage is a full body deep tissue holistic treatment balance massage uses a combination of gentle stretches acupressure ,Reflexology and aromatherapy to stimulate the flow of body Oxygen and energy around your body
Complete exfoliation of the body with antioxidant vitamin c and e from apricots and other herbs bring a glow to dry and itchy skin the therapy boost circulation and revitalize your skin
Deep tissue massage use frim pressure and the slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscles and fascia tissue surrounding muscles it used for chronic aches pain and contracted areas such as stiff neck and upper back lower back pain leg muscles tightness and sore shoulders
Foot massage improves blood circulation and energies the whole body it bring a balance and harmony in the organs and rejuvenates you
Potli ayurvedic therapies are processed in India as a natural remedy for centuries heated herbal pouches also known as Potlis containing ayurvedic herbs are used to rejuvenate relax and Nourish the affected area when these Potlis is are placed on the body they have a therapeutic effect and then massage on to specific pressure points
It uses five different massage movement to facilitate efficient blood circulation resulting in better tissue oxygenation and toxic disposal it involves mild moderate or Deepa stores on the back arms or legs neck and other body parts to target tissue and muscles for muscular pain
An ancient form of massage developed by Buddhist monks in Thailand 2,500 years ago it uses passive stretching and gentle pressure along the body's energy lines to increase flexibility relive muscles and joints tension and body energy system
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